onsdag 7 mars 2012

Words a-plenty

It’s been a little while. That’s the way it goes sometimes. We’ve been busy with colds, colds and colds. At nursery the viruses spread like wild fire. Apart from that life carries on at a gentle pace. Tage is growing and seem to be too big for all his clothes. Emergency purchases of new winter shoes, tops and trousers will hopefully keep us going for a while.

The biggest change, however, is on the language front. Tage has always had a lot to say and now we’re slowly starting to understand what that is. The favourite word is Tractor or 'Tactor' as it’s pronounced in Tage language. There is always a good time to talk about tractors: at dinner time, during little jollies out (when all vehicles are ‘tactors’) or first thing in the morning as it is not unusual that it’s the first word we are greeted by when entering his room in the morning.

There is also Wow! John, who arrived home from a work trip to Gothenburg, was very pleased that the reaction from Tage over the present he brought back was: Wow! Unfortunately the fact that a heavily soiled nappy the following morning received the same wow-treatment put a slight damper on the excitement over the present however.
Another word, which is actually not so much of a word but rather a song, is banana. Have a look.

So here we are, happy in our little world talking about tractors, the wow factor and bananas. Not bad really!

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